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SIN'S CURE: No More Picking Fruit, Destroying the Root by Donovan Fulkerson

SIN'S CURE: No More Picking Fruit, Destroying the Root

by Donovan Fulkerson

94 pages
Find REAL Freedom From the Bondage of Sinful Behaviors

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Category: Religion
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About the Book
For too long, people have been trapped by sinful attitudes and behaviors. The church and philosophical arenas many times have taught people to battle sin without teaching them to destroy the root. That is like removing fruit from a tree and expecting it to never produce again. Or treating the symptoms of a disease and ignoring the source cause.

The content of this book will help you to find real, lasting freedom in your life, become what you were created to be and cease a life bogged down by shameful behaviors. You will be challenged to become great and given the tools necessary to fulfill that challenge.

Designed for: people of all backgrounds/ages and includes parabolic stories, not just basic teaching style rhetoric; those who do not read easily; and organizations needing teaching materials to lead class discussion.

What are you waiting for? This easy to read book has the power to change your life! Get a copy for yourself and others. You deserve to live the life you were created for!



About the Author
Donovan Fulkerson Donovan Fulkerson has for the last two decades served churches as a Staff Pastor and assisted businesses in their development and growth. He is a Southwestern Assemblies of God University graduate, Ordained Minister and has a passion for using media to reveal moral, ethical, and Godly ways through parabolic stories.



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