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When Your Parent Becomes Your Child: Advice for Caregivers by Georgette Tarnow

When Your Parent Becomes Your Child: Advice for Caregivers

by Georgette Tarnow

142 pages
The new, common sense guide to elder care.

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Category: Family
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About the Book
This vivid account of the author's 23 years as a caregiver for her parents combines a common sense approach to caregiving with a deep understanding of the needs of the elderly and victims of dementia.

Ms. Tarnow's aging parents struggled with heart disease, leukemia, arthritis, diabetes, prostate cancer, deafness, blindness, severe high blood pressure, and senile dementia. She chose to write the story of their experiences -- and hers -- in an effort to help others with their caregiving. The result is a book that serves as both a how-to and a cautionary tale.

With its rare glimpse into the frustrations and triumphs of long-term caregiving, this book is a must-read for anyone who is caring for an elderly loved one.

When Your Parent Becomes Your Child will help you become a confident caregiver -- even if you're not a healthcare professional.



About the Author
Georgette H. Tarnow spent 23 years as a full-time caregiver for her parents. She was praised by doctors and various health care professionals for her common sense approach and understanding of the needs of the elderly. Her articles have appeared in numerous publications and she also blogs about caregiving.



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