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Psychiatric Survivor by A. Mark Bedillion M.S. Ed., C.A.P

Psychiatric Survivor

by A. Mark Bedillion M.S. Ed., C.A.P

184 pages
Beware when seeking so-called mental health counseling...

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About the Book

Are emotions bad and do they need to be drugged away? That’s what psychiatry seems to believe. Why are we not allowed to feel our emotional pain, as if negative emotions are a plague of some sort? What happens when we don’t grieve our pain and repress it with drugs instead? Don’t drugs just treat symptoms and not the underlying issues? Why do psychiatrists insist on drugging away our ability to think and feel? Who controls the psychiatric industry anyway? Do psychiatrists control it, or do the drug companies control it, or do the insurance companies control it? Find out for yourself when you read Mark Bedillion’s tell all book.

Is the psychiatric industry over diagnosing or misdiagnosing us and our kids? Is our school system creating better students through chemical restraint? Are psychiatric drugs leading to other addictions? Before taking psychiatric drugs, do people consider the severe side effects as described in the Physician’s Desk Reference?

• How is biological psychiatry different from the standard psychiatry of the past?
• Why do so many people suddenly need psychiatric drugs to function?
• Are the drugs they’re prescribing doing more harm than good?
• What chemicals make up the brain?
• What are the tests that prove chemical imbalances exist?
• How can there be so many mentally ill people in America?
• Whose brain is used as a template for a normal chemically balanced brain?
• Do we have emotions for a reason?
• What are the holistic alternatives to drugs?

These are all questions that must be answered and fully explored. Is drugging the only therapies psychiatrists use?

Are psychiatrists healthier than others? When psychiatrists have problems do they submit themselves to drugs, electroshock or lobotomies?

Follow Mark’s true story of suffering through emotional, mental, physical, sexual and spiritual abuse to being wrongly misdiagnosed time after time by the psychiatric industry. Eventually Mark became director of a psychiatric hospital. The people who confined him unknowingly began sending HIM patients! How can that be possible? How can the inmate be running the asylum? That only happens in the movies, or does it?

Finally, there is someone who was labeled and misdiagnosed for years by the so-called mental health professionals who is speaking out!

This book is timely and should be an awakening to all who read it. Psychiatrists and all mental health professionals should be required to read this thought provoking and inspiring book of a man who overcame all of the odds and beat the mental health system.

In Mark's book Psychiatric Survivor, he examines how psychiatrists and mental health professionals can be dead wrong in their diagnoses. He further discusses how the psychiatric paradigm is flawed.

People need love and nurturing. WHAT THEY DO NOT NEED IS DRUGS !

People all over the world have read Psychiatric Survivor. This book has the power to transform lives!



About the Author
As a therapist, author, former radio talk show host and hospital director, Mark has over 26 years of sobriety from mind and mood altering substances. Miraculously, he survived years of physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual abuse, as well as psychiatric misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis. Mark reveals the other side of psychiatry!!!



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