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The Wisdom of the Sacred Feminine for a World in Transition by Pauline McBeth

The Wisdom of the Sacred Feminine for a World in Transition

by Pauline McBeth

218 pages
Sacred Feminine Wisdom for a world out of balance.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology:Philosophy
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About the Book
The Wisdom of the Sacred Feminine contains research and current events that point to our civilization’s spiritual bankruptcy. The many evolved souls, the brave Catholic nuns and priests who fight for social justice, are manifesting the sacred feminine energy of love and compassion in the world today. These individuals are named and celebrated.
The powerful and inspiring prayer, The Litany of Mary of Nazareth, creates the structure for this book. It is the author’s hope that the prayer’s wisdom will convince readers of the current need for a global shift in our collective paradigm. An immediate conversion of shared values, perceptions, and beliefs will be the only solution that can transform a troubled world into an inclusive, compassionate, and just civilization!
The last section of the book contains “Namaste Meditations for the Endangered Soul” which includes photography by Lisa Christine McBeth, the author’s deceased daughter, with meditations and famous quotations to inspire readers.



About the Author
Pauline McBeth Pauline Martinez-McBeth is a retired educator who began writing after her daughter died six years ago. Her legacy now is a strong devotion to social justice causes and literature. Her first book was about change agents in education and this second book is about change agents in the Catholic Church.



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