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by Ed Ochs

158 pages
A rock 'n' roll comedy adventure set in today's fast-paced music business

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About the Book
THIS ROCK CAN TALK: THE MUSICAL ADVENTURES OF ROCK CRITIC TURNED PRIVATE EAR BASIL GHOSTON is a rock 'n' roll comedy adventure set in today's fast-paced music business.

Basil Ghoston writes the popular "Rock Grok" column for SoundProof magazine, bible of the biz. Basil turns rock detective -- "private ear" -- for a ruthless, visionary rock manager who will stop at nothing to make sure The Coolies, the new punk-rock sensation from China, make it to the top of the SoundProof charts.

Following the far-flung musical adventure to the end of the emotional diving board, Basil does a back flip into the wild side of the rock music business and discovers a more personal music filled with magic and power he never knew was there.

THIS ROCK CAN TALK presents a clear picture of the restless, sometimes shocking world of rock music, accurately reflecting the hectic music business as it really is -- hazardous, dangerous, but always exciting.



About the Author
ED OCHS is a former music editor of Billboard and veteran music journalist. His weekly Billboard columns, insightful artist interviews, and colorful concert reviews covered the rise of the rock and soul music revolutions of the 1960s and '70s. He co-wrote the pioneering punk-rock TV show, "New Wave Theatre."



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