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West of the Bozeman Trail by Don Twing

West of the Bozeman Trail

by Don Twing

310 pages
A series of short stories on growing up in Wyoming.

Paperback $19.95   + $9.37 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.40 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Autobiography
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book
Challenged by a granddaughter to write of his childhood, Robert Twing, an 85-year-old retired Wyoming rancher, tells the story of his parents' coming to the state in 1906 where they operated a stagecoach station, acquired a ranch and survived the great Depression.

These short stories continue to unfold with the humorous escapades of Robert and his brother, as well as detailing hardships and victories of life on a Wyoming ranch prior to 1945.

During World War II Robert graduated from the U.S. Army Air Corps as a multi-engine pilot. He has been a Sunday School teacher, Bible study leader and lay minister for more than 60 years.

Robert served on the local and state soil conservation boards for most of his career. He also worked closely with the Wyoming-Montana Agriculture Experiment Station in Bridger, Montana. During that time he taught summer classes on range management for the University of Wyoming,and published several articles on the subject that were later used by Pacific Coast Forestry as well as California’s University of San Jose.



About the Author
Robert Twing is a highly respected, now retired, Wyoming cattle rancher. His ranching career spanned five decades on the family ranch near Buffalo, Wyoming, where he grew up. His greatest accomplishment is being a dedicated and loving son, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and faithful friend.



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