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Inspirit - 365 Opportunities to Breathe Life Into Your Day by Donna M. Chavez

Inspirit - 365 Opportunities to Breathe Life Into Your Day

by Donna M. Chavez

377 pages
The secret to learning is in asking the right questions. Inspirit, an electronic journal-writing & meditation aid, asks the right questions. You learn.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology
About the Book
Make this book your own. As an electronic book, it is able to be customized to suit your unique style and needs. Other than using it as a meditation resource and daily contemplation journal, you can work your way through it in any manner you like. Write on the pages you've printed. Mark up the margins. Jot notes that have meaning to you. Tack individual pages to your bedroom or office walls to remind yourself of the characteristics you want to possess.

Just because there are 365 bits of wisdom, it doesn't mean you must read it in any particular order. You can print one page at-a-time to begin a personal daily meditation journal. You can print several pages - say, a week's worth - at once. You may begin on page 1. Or you can begin on any page you like. You can print several copies of one page to meditate in depth on that bit of wisdom over several days.

Life is a journey. Despite growing up and older, we are never truly finished growing. Oh, we may stop growing physically, but intellectually and spiritually we continue to grow. This little book is intended to help you and your spirit to grow. Read it. Think about its wisdom. Bring your spirit to life. Put it to work for you. Ask your spirit the hard questions for which you do not have ready answers. Write those answers - or more questions - on the pages of this book. Change! Laugh at yourself! Cry a little. Become the best person you can be! Grow! Have new ideas! Celebrate life! Have fun!



About the Author
Donna M. Chavez Donna Chavez is a life coach and journalist. She has worked with hundreds of individuals who achieved tremendous success. They taught her that while each person has their own style, all successful people embrace certain universal principles - principles that can be learned. "Inspirit" reflects many of those principles.



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