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Milcah by Alcita Ferreira Brown


by Alcita Ferreira Brown

234 pages
Milcah, five ancient biblical women struggling to achieve their goals.

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Category: Fiction:Historical
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About the Book
As the Israelites wander in the desert, Milcah and her four sisters find themselves orphaned and with no male siblings to Inherit land in Canaan. Foreseeing a future of poverty, no marriage and no name, Milcah, charged with courage, leads her sisters to Moses to request the right of inheritance.

Milcah entices readers to adventure through biblical times and culture as the Israelites travel to the Promised Land. It narrates tragic biblical and fictional accounts from the point of view of Milcah, the oldest of the five daughters of Zelophehad.

Milcah celebrates the power of faith and the perseverance of five orphans who face a world ruled by laws favoring males.



About the Author
Alcita Ferreira Brown Alcita was born in Brazil. She started reading the Bible when she was ten. Instead of movie stars or soccer players, characters from Bible stories were her role models. Milcah, one result of this life-long interest, allowed Alcita to share her faith through the story of these courageous women.



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