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Life Matches: Fire Up Your Life! by Andrew Dix

Life Matches: Fire Up Your Life!

by Andrew Dix

110 pages
Live a fired up life by using your personal strengths.

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Category: Self Help:Success
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About the Book
Tim Davis is a fizzled out director of sales for a leading advertising sales company. A possible heart attack forces him to confront his life's priorities. Tim discovers how to “Fire Up!” his life by learning how to use his God-given strengths and talents more effectively.

A simple book of matches sparks Tim to live a satisfying life. This business fiction book will show you how “Life Matches: Fire Up Your Life!”



About the Author
Andrew Dix Andy has held various media and advertising sales and management positions throughout his career. He has written numerous articles for web publications and this is his first book. He holds Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Science degrees from Indiana University.



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