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MEDITATIONS OF THE HEART: Life Lessons for Renewing the Mind - Volume 1 by Yvonne Anderson

MEDITATIONS OF THE HEART: Life Lessons for Renewing the Mind - Volume 1

by Yvonne Anderson

234 pages
Mind renewal through the Word and life lessons.

Paperback $17.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Religion:Christianity
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book
Meditations of the Heart is a book that will help the reader to renew his mind to the Word of God through life lessons. Each chapter contains a scripture and a life lesson that accompanies it. The life lesson describes how the scripture was made manifest in the life of the author. Although, the lesson and/or scripture may be unique in some aspects to the author, many will be able to identify with the situation and/or circumstance.

Meditations will challenge the reader to stop and think about his heart's meditations to determine whether or not they line up with the Word of God.

Meditations has been written to be an easy-to-read resource that can be referred to time and time again.



About the Author
Yvonne Anderson Dr. Yvonne Anderson has served the educational community as both an administrator and teacher for the past twenty years. She is an ever emerging scholar of the Word of God who desires to share the Word with others.



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