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How Life Happens For Me, Not To Me……When I STOP Playing SMALL by Leotha Douglas

How Life Happens For Me, Not To Me……When I STOP Playing SMALL

by Leotha Douglas

110 pages
Tools for shifting into balance and reclaiming your personal power.

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Category: Self Help:Relationships
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About the Book
In How Life Happens For Me, Not To Me…..When I STOP Playing SMALL Leotha shares how a shift in awareness caused him to be grateful for his middle name, a name that he hid and despised for the first fifty-two years of his life. He tells us how he played the role of “victim” by resenting his mother and the mid-wife who delivered him, for choosing to make his middle name Leotha. He lived in a space of, “life happening to him”, unaware that life was actually happening for him” and blind to the possibilities that lie ahead for him and what his purpose in life might be.

Leotha explains that after going inside of self he began to find who he really is, what his life’s purpose was and how he hadn’t been aware that his life was divinely guided by his experiences from growing up on a farm in rural Mississippi in the 1950’s with a middle name that he let define his life.

Today, after twenty years of self-discovery, Leotha has grown in his ability to determine what energy is beneficial to his life and what energy to release – with gratitude. His insights have come from experiencing what happens when choosing to be in gratitude for all relationships and the gifts they bring, discovering how his energy vibration is one of peace and a balance between the masculine and the feminine, and learning tools for recognizing whether uncomfortable feelings were his own or caused by the energy of others that he had taken on.

Asked, by countless people, to share his findings and gifts, Leotha teaches simple tools in How Life Happens For Me, Not To Me…..When I STOP Playing SMALL for transformation through self-discovery. These tools allow each of us to become aware of how the energy of others may affect our well being. By setting our intention for the outcome of our actions and learning how to become present to these energetic affects, we can communicate with this energy and release it with gratitude and compassion.

How Life Happens For Me, Not To Me…..When I STOP Playing SMALL speaks to how often we think about various life experiences, whether pleasant or not, and feel the energy of those times, while reflecting with gratitude on the gifts those experiences bring to our growth. Be prepared to discover new ways to learn more about yourself, experience greater peace, and live a balanced life each day.



About the Author
Leotha Douglas Leotha FACILITATES Shamanic Journeys with drumming. Leotha also TEACHES “Transformation through Self-Discovery” with Heart-Centered dialog and meditation/visualization for those wishing to self-heal from fear, trauma, playing the victim/drama game and carrying the energy of others inside their body.



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