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Boys Alive! Bring Out Their Best! by Janet Allison

Boys Alive! Bring Out Their Best!

by Janet Allison

176 pages
How to teach and parent boys to be their best.

Paperback $16.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Family
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book
Raising a boy can be exciting, challenging, and…exhausting!
At last, a comprehensive look at why boys will be boys.

This practical, easy-to-follow guide invites both parents and teachers to be active participants in understanding boys and communicating with them in ways that they can more readily respond to.

You will find: parenting techniques for immediate use; effective classroom and teaching strategies; communication tools to enhance your relationship with your boy; and, observation and journal exercises to increase your understanding of the way you interact with your boy.

When you know the biological basis for why he does what he does, your response to him begins to change in a positive way. When you know how to adapt his environment to suit his biology, you’ll see a boy who is more engaged, connected and comfortable in his world.

Teachers are often frustrated with their male students. When teachers know how to adapt their lessons for boys, behavior management becomes a side-note rather than taking up valuable teaching time. Boys Alive! contains specific strategies for making the school environment and lessons more compelling to boys.

Many have said, “An added benefit is that when you understand your boy – you’ll understand your man even more!”

Enjoy the benefits that a Boys Alive! perspective will bring to you, as you are guided in discovering anew yourself, your sons, your male students and all the men in your life.



About the Author
Janet Allison Janet Allison is mom to grown daughters and a teacher to many. She holds a B.S. in Elementary Education and has studied Waldorf education extensively. She has a master’s certificate in Neuro-Linguistics. She works extensively with public and private school teachers and is a Parent Educator and Family Coach.



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