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In All Ways by Jim Malachi

In All Ways

by Jim Malachi

132 pages
Spiritual Eroticism, Initiatory Journey of Sexual Alchemy and Transcendence

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About the Book
In All Ways-a tale of Spiritual Eroticism-is a contemporary parable of Transcendence and Sexual Alchemy. It is the story of a reluctant hero who gradually awakens from the dream in which he has been living; who leaves behind the world of face value and courageously descends into its deepest Mystery; into the very substance beneath its form into Death itself. He emerges from this Darkness bearing a Light that not only heals the wounds of his tribe, but illuminates his own personal Truth as well.


In All Ways is a metaphorical account of an individual’s response to the call of the Divine Feminine whose insistent voice summons him in his dreams toward the fulfillment of his destiny. Jim Malachi has written a compelling novel, and many of its readers will find the courage to initiate their own hero's journey, leaving behind the world of face value while courageously descending into its deepest mysteries.
- Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Co-author, Personal Mythology
The story flows well, is very interesting and engaging, and the path of the initiation is excellent and accurate. Aside from personal accounts, this is the best telling of an initiation experience I have ever read.
- Christina Pratt, Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, Author, An Encyclopedia of Shamanism



About the Author
Jim Malachi A graduate of Southern Oregon University with a degree in Fine and Performing Arts, Jim Malachi resides in the Pacific Northwest where he earns his living as an artist, writer, and musician. His writing has appeared in FragLit Magazine, an online publication devoted to fragmentary writing.



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