Better Than Money: Build Your Fortune Using Stock Options and Other Equity Incentives--in Up and Down Markets
by David E. Gumpert
186 pages
Today's new career essential. Everything employees need to understand and negotiate stock option agreements than can make them wealthy.
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Category: Business:Professional Finance
About the Book
E. Gumpert is a successful entrepreneur and business author, who has
handed out and received stock options. He has learned from the trenches
the nuances of the process, and he shares his lessons in Better
Than Money.
As an entrepreneur, he co-founded NetMarquee Inc., an online direct
marketing agency, in 1995. It was acquired by Circle (CIRC, NASDAQ)in
late 1999, and David is currently a Circle vice president. As NetMarquee's
president and chairman, he helped formulate the company's stock option
program, which eventually led to all employees sharing in the proceeds
from the company's sale to Circle.
As an author, David has written or co-authored six books on small
business, entrepreneurship and marketing communications. His book,
How to Really Create a Successful Business Plan (Inc.
Publishing), has sold more than 100,000 copies. One of his first books,
Business Plans That Win $$$: Lessons from the MIT Enterprise
Forum (Harper-Collins) co-authored with Stanley
Rich, remains a classic more than 15 years after its original publication.
David was previously a senior editor of Inc. magazine, an associate
editor of The Harvard Business Review, and a staff reporter for The
Wall Street Journal.
About the Author |
David E. Gumpert is a successful entrepreneur and business author, who has handed out and received stock options. He has learned from the trenches the nuances of the process, and he shares his lessons in Better Than Money. |