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Ask Others, Trust Yourself: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Key to Success by Elisa Balabram

Ask Others, Trust Yourself: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Key to Success

by Elisa Balabram

196 pages
Self-help business resource guide for women business owners.

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Category: Business:Small Business And Entrepreneurs
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About the Book
Here is a complete business resource guide that helps you, the small business owner/entrepreneurial woman, ask for the help you need to reach your goals and dreams, while always trusting yourself.

You will learn how to:

· Ask for Business Advice and Help.
· Listen to Others Objectively and Filter the Information Received.
· Transform Criticism, Opposition, and Negativity into Positive Action.
· Move Forward and Do What’s Needed to Be Successful.
· Trust Yourself at All Times.

You will also learn how to access free and low cost resources to help you succeed.

This self-help business book helps you take a deep look at yourself and at your business goals and objectives. It teaches you how to ask for the business help you need to move forward and it shows you how to take action and grow your business!



About the Author
Elisa Balabram, MBA is the founder of WomenandBiz, an online magazine for women business owners established in 2003. She is a writer, business coach and speaker. Prior to moving to New York, Elisa Balabram assisted in running her family’s business in Brazil.



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