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29 Ways to Looking Great on a Budget by Wendy Komancheck

29 Ways to Looking Great on a Budget

by Wendy Komancheck

32 pages
Learn frugality through 29 Ways to Look Great on a Budget.

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About the Book
29 Ways to Look Great on a Budget covers everything you need to know about organizing yourself, as well as your family's wardrobe. You'll also learn practical tips like making a list for your next clothing purchase trip and what everyone in your family needs to look their best.

The book is geared to everyone, including moms of young children, professionals, and men, trying to dress their best on a budget. The book centers on organizing closets, making lists, and shopping at resale stores. Resale stores include charity thrift shops, consignment stores, and yard sales.

Also, 29 Ways contains ideas about daily manicures and pedicures so that you can pamper yourself while saving pennies and time.

Other practical ideas include shopping for clothing two times a year; choose the best time to go shopping; tips for cleaning out your children's closets and drawers; where to find reasonably priced children's dress clothing; and much more.

In this time of economic downtown, all of us have to save. But that doesn't mean we have to wear ashes and sack cloth. Instead, with some planning and a pinch of creativity, we can use our resources and look great on a budget.



About the Author
Wendy Komancheck loves consignment, ever since 1982, when she bought her first pair of Calvin Klein jeans from a consignment shop. When she’s not busy writing about frugality and secondhand shopping, she’s usually trolling her favorite resale shops in her native central Pa.



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