9132 VICTOR! Three Got Into a Plane, Only I Walked Away
by Jennifer Truman
172 pages
Jennifer Truman landed the family plane while both parents were having strokes.
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About the Book
On August 9, 2004, my parents and I got into our plane to fly from N.H. to N.Y.
Shortly after take-off something was very wrong with Dad.
Then, there was something wrong with Mom.
There I was alone in the plane with only basic flying knowledge.
I needed to get the plane on the ground to get help for my parents.
I had to do this without crashing the plane...
About the Author |
Jennifer was born in Syracuse, grew up in Florida and currently resides in New Hampshire. She credits her two wonderful parents for making her the person she is today. Because of their love and support, Jennifer has been allowed to experience the world. She hopes they will always be proud of her in every endeavor she chooses. |