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All In The Name of Love by Shelagh Jackson

All In The Name of Love

by Shelagh Jackson

264 pages
Young adults led by death, promiscuity, abuse, and teen pregnancy.

Paperback $17.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Young Adult
About the Book
In the author’s sterling debut, “This Night Belongs to You”(2002), friends dealt with betrayal, incest, rape, sexual promiscuity, broken hearts, and murder. Now, here in, ALL In The Name of Love, Shelagh Jackson reveals the backstory to the root of all this evil. Fans will enjoy the continuation of this spicy tale of love and murder led by the wounded, and love struck protagonist, Stacey Petersen. Stacey triumphantly returns with her group of designer-conscious wayward friends to learn that when life throws you a punch, FIGHT BACK!!!


Now, a jaded young mother, Stacey Petersen is determined not to let mistakes of the past destroy her future. She’s moving on from the night she witnessed her lover, Roger Jones, gunned down right in front of her eyes; and, the amorous and debonair Charles Scott is right beside her to make sure she swings his way. Meanwhile, the fabulous “BFF” crew: Rachel, Cindy, & Donna all continue to make their mark in an unyielding world of poetic circumstances: While away at college, Rachel Meredith uses her vivacious womanly wiles on the 50 yard line only to get tangled in her own web of deadly insecurities; the focused and career-driven Cindy Howard thought she found the perfect man in Antwon Devereaux, but ‘Hello!’ who’s hiding underneath his bed pillows?; and, the sense and sensibility of levelheaded Donna Martin is forcing her out of the closet and she wants the world to know that she “kissed a girl and liked it!” But wait! As this perfect little upper-middle class town tries to restore their “Utopia” way of living after the horrific murder of Roger Jones, we find someone lurking outside the Petersen’s home keeping a watchful eye on Stacey and baby Jarre...could it be that true love never dies?


When we grow into adults we forget the rough road we leave behind to arrive here. No one gets through life unscathed or drama-free; we all have battle scars hiding beneath a veneer of illusions. But are we willing to remember and share those times with those currently riding the treacherous waves of life’s tsunami? will send you back to remember those times!



About the Author
Shelagh Jackson is a mom and entrepreneur in the city of Chicago. She conducts workshops that inspire women of all ages to embrace self.



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