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GETTING TO 30: Financial Advice for My Three Sons - SECOND EDITION by Douglas G. Geib II

GETTING TO 30: Financial Advice for My Three Sons - SECOND EDITION

by Douglas G. Geib II

158 pages
Five keys to unlocking financial independence in your twenties.

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About the Book
Today’s high school and college graduates are all too often left financially illiterate when it comes to personal financial matters. Consequently, millions of young adults become easy prey for entities that prosper from their lack of guidance, including colleges that promise dreams funded with student loans and banks that promote consumption paid for with credit cards. 

Getting to 30: Financial Advice For My Three Sons is a successful entrepreneur’s memoir to his three sons as they enter their twenties, and look toward the future. The book discusses the five critical financial principles they must follow to achieve financial independence, and avoid a destitute life. Rather than the un-vetted tips of so called “financial counselors” running boilerplate blogs, the author offers the insights of a savvy, financially accomplished parent. 

Getting to 30, along with Getting to 40: Career Management and Other Financial Insights, offers the author’s advice on how his children can counter the impact of a volatile economy, rapid automation, and uncertain job prospects. Offering poignant, yet simple concepts, the author helps the next generation understand the behaviors of financially responsible adults and how such behaviors increase the likelihood of a stable and happy future. 


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About the Author
Mr. Geib was a Partner with Ernst & Young and a Board Member and CFO of FirstCom, Bloomberg’s #1 fastest growing U.S. publicly traded technology company in 1999. He graduated from The Ohio State University and has a MBA (with honors) from The University of Chicago. He is a CPA.



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