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The Source of Terrorism:  Middle Class Rebellion by Thomas Belvedere

The Source of Terrorism: Middle Class Rebellion

by Thomas Belvedere

492 pages
Terrorism's source is the ideology of middle class rebellion.

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Category: Politics
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About the Book
Why does the son of a lawyer or a professor, a doctor or an accountant, become a terrorist? What is the process that moves him to that finite and definitive point where the World Trade Center, a train station, workplace, city hall, university, or high school comes into view, then move straight ahead, shooting or blowing to pieces innocent men, women, and children?

Every time it happens, the same question arises: Why did he do it? Each time, only mystery or silence remain.

Until now. The Source of Terrorism: Middle Class Rebellion is the result of over 30 years of research and experience. It breaks the code of an otherwise inexplicable, deadly phenomenon.



About the Author
Thomas Belvedere is the pseudonym of a political consultant to senators, representatives, governors, as well as television and newspapers. He has also worked for federal, state, and local governments, and for all three branches. An accredited expert witness on politics in federal court, he has a Ph.D. in political science.



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