Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger
by J Collin Towers
532 pages
Discover the secrets of reverse aging and turn back the hands of time
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Category: Health:Nutrition
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About the Book
Amazing new findings, contained in one book, have helped thousands reverse the aging process and feel younger and healthier.
No gym expenses! No endless sweating! No impossible meal plans! J Collin Towers has always insisted that you can stop or reverse the aging process by making excellent nutrition, lifestyle and exercise choices. He has now developed a revolutionary, preventive program that proactively reshapes your body and health.
This awesome simple-to-follow protocol is the result of years of research. His book describes in clear detail many of the products, therapies, supplements and superfoods that create a healthier and younger you.
These vital supplements and super foods are available via the Internet and Towers tells you exactly where to find them. J Collin Towers has personally tested and uses these products for his optimum, preventative reverse aging course of therapy!
Come on, you can spare a few minutes a day, can’t you?
That’s all you need to reshape your health and mind. You will be stunned at how quickly your body and mind respond to J Collin Towers’ course of therapy and methods. People all over the world are talking about the mentioned incredible breakthroughs.
Double your strength and energy, even into your 90s!
Wouldn’t you like to turn back the aging clock? Many are turning to more natural, noninvasive treatments to become younger. J Collin Towers has discovered through the correct combination of nutrition, exercise, holistic treatments and devices, you can stay young, live longer, and make all the years of your life, years of quality and vitality. This is not just a preventative program but one that will reverse the damage brought on by years of sedentary living and poor nutritional choices. Don’t settle for your current state of health and fitness. When you follow J Collin Towers’ protocol, you can expect greater energy, a leaner, pain-free body, and increased sexual vitality.
Super foods for healthy living
Most of us know that what we eat and drink directly affects our long-term health. In Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger, Towers explains which foods and drinks are healthiest and, most importantly, why we need them.
Not only did they gain bone density, lose weight, and gain muscle, some reversed the signs of osteoporosis! The benefit of J Collin Towers’ easy new program is so astonishing, we’d like all readers of both this book and the eBook version of Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger, to reap the benefits Collin has. Included in the book are phone numbers, and URLs, for approximately 145 products, so that you can save time and money when you order from either version of J Collin Tower’s Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger.
The cost of the book is readily recouped by the many discounts offered on recommended products throughout the book. Don’t miss it!
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About the Author |
J Collin Towers is a freelance author and health crusader. He has one daughter and one granddaughter. Collin turned 60 years young on January 3, 2009, but his biological age is in the 40’s. He has spent the last two years researching ways to reverse the aging process. |