NUDE MICE and Other Medical Writing Terms You Need to Know
by Cynthia L. Kryder, MS CCC-Sp
200 pages
Expose yourself to the language of medicine
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About the Book
Medical jargon can be confusing, even when you have a quasi-medical background. When I first began working in a hospital, I was confused as I listened to conversations that were peppered with acronyms and abbreviations. The nurses and doctors used jargon as though their lives depended on it. Instead of saying high blood pressure, they said hypertension; for high cholesterol, they substituted hypercholesterolemia. The person in charge of seeing that patients’ services were covered by third-party insurers talked about HMOs, PPOs, CPT codes, and ICD-9.
The field of biomedical communications is no different. That’s why having a great medical dictionary is important. Even more so, though, is the need to have a clear understanding of some of the unique medical writing terms and acronyms you’ll encounter. Because as I've learned from experience, feeling ignorant does not promote confidence in your skills, no matter what industry you’re working in.
This book is not a book on English grammar and usage. There are already many excellent tomes on that subject. Nor is this book meant to be a medical dictionary. Browse the shelves of your local bookstore and you can see just how many medical dictionaries already exist.
This book in The Accidental Medical Writer series is meant to serve as a tool to help you demystify the confusing medical jargon you'll encounter as a medical writer. Keep this resource on your bookshelf so that when your clients sound as though they are speaking Greek (and they may well be!), you can figure out what they’re saying and translate it into accurate text for any audience, in any setting.
Read what others are saying about Nude Mice:
"Nude Mice is a comprehensive resource for both the novice and the pro. Cyndy has done a great job of demystifying even the scariest of medical jargon. Keep it handy--you'll be sure to refer to it often!"
--Lisa P. Breck, President, Breck & Company, Inc.
"Who would have thought that a book on the use of medical terms would be so entertaining that you'd read it even when you didn't have a question. I actually found myself paging through Nude Mice just for the fun of it! If you are just starting out as a medical writer--or are a pro who wants to write about a disease state or therapeutic category that uses unfamiliar terminology--this book must be on your bookshelf!"
--Louise Rozik, Rozik Communications, Inc.
"Nude Mice is an invaluable reference that assembles the sort of everyday useful information that all medical writers need into one accessible source."
--Joseph E. Melton, PhD, Medical Writer
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About the Author |
Cyndy is a successful freelance medical writer who writes scientific, educational, and promotional materials for health care professional and lay audiences. As one-half of The Accidental Medical Writer writing team, Cyndy writes and develops electronic and print resources for freelance medical writers. |