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Letting Go to Create a Magical Life by Patricia Ann Sendejas

Letting Go to Create a Magical Life

by Patricia Ann Sendejas

245 pages
Letting go: the key to the law of attraction.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology
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About the Book
Is the “law of attraction” working for you or do you feel stuck? Letting go of old habits, beliefs, relationships, and fears attracts the positive change you desire.

Enlightening readers on how to face change, Letting Go to Create a Magical Life provides solutions. Using a variety of amazing true stories—from Pat, her friends, family, and clients—the reader is enlightened on how to make this process joyful.

Pat guides the reader through necessary steps of self-discovery, clarity, and the process of letting go, assisting the reader in “attracting” their desires easily to enjoy a life of personal freedom: free from guilt, blame, resentment, and anger, resulting in stronger relationships, abundance and an overall feeling of contentment and satisfaction each day.

Enjoyable and easy-to-do exercises are included at the end of each chapter, through which readers can understand and identify the thoughts, habits, beliefs, relationships, and fears that no longer serve them and may be holding them back from welcoming the new. The fun begins when the reader starts to recognize the synchronicities and messages all around them to realize their dreams.

Discover for yourself:
• What do success stories have in common?
• What’s holding you back when you know what you want?
• Your unique talents.
• How to increase the synchronicities in life and recognize invisible messages that help you make successful decisions.
• The power of thought.

What’s the missing ingredient when you’re searching for spiritual answers in times of financial hardship, rapidly changing technologies, and relationship challenges?

Why is it some of us manifest easily, no matter what is going on in the world?

The only constant is change. Many of us these days are being forced to change yet have no idea how to cope. This book addresses the key to accepting change easily—letting go.

Book chapters include: Invisible Energy, Awareness – Know Yourself, In the Moment, Ask, Believe, Let Go, We Are All Connected, Death is Not the End, The Energy of Past Lives, What is in Your DNA?, We Can Choose Again, Synchronicities and Messages from our Environments, The Law of Attraction, and Letting Go to Change the World.

"Pat's personal stories and enlightening exercises will inspire you to trust yourself enough to align your beliefs with your desires and let go. Your magical life is sure to follow. This stuff works." Dick Sutphen, Best Selling Author, recent book: Soul Agreements



About the Author
Speaker, author, business owner, teacher, Pat Sendejas, B.A. Interior Design and experienced Feng Shui consultant, travels and speaks on how imagination creates our reality. She hosts a weekly radio talk show: “Let Go and Grow.”

A Southern Californian, Pat is married to a retired firefighter and has two grown sons.



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