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Collecting Tattoos by Jeffrey Lyle

Collecting Tattoos

by Jeffrey Lyle

108 pages
Things you should know before receiving body art.

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Category: Art
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About the Book
This is a book that is designed to educate the future collectors of body art.

It will help prepare you for the experience of a lifetime.

Enjoy this one on one conversation with a professional tattoo artist.

You will learn how to find and approach professional tattoo parlors.

Read answers to the most common questions.

Understand how to organize yourself for the process.

Discover how general procedures work in the professional tattoo parlor.

Gain knowledge of how to heal body art.

Benefit from lots of tips to prevent lifetime mistakes.

Easy reviews will assist in your research for professional parlors.

Enjoy this new and exciting expression of you.



About the Author
Jeffrey Lyle has been creating art since he was a young boy. He has enjoyed working with many different mediums including glass, mirror, canvas,and skin. Jeffrey also enjoys the martial arts and has been an instructor for over twenty years.



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