Professional Bartending From Scratch
by Barry Lee Marris
120 pages
A comprehensive home bartending course designed for the aspiring professional.
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About the Book
Until now, if the idea of becoming a bartender was appealing, and you had no experience, you only had a few choices. One, you could talk a bar owner into letting you learn on the job. Good luck, it’s a fine opportunity, but it’s trial by fire. Or, you could enroll in Bartending School, which is good (if it’s the right school), but it’s a rigid time schedule and it’s EXPENSIVE. And last but not least: you could take what you know, fabricate some experience on your resume, and hope for the best. A daring plan for the adventurist, but dishonest and dumb.
Now there is a realistic alternative: PROFESSIONAL BARTENDING FROM SCRATCH, a home training course for cheap. Never before has a book been available that teaches professional bartending in a comprehensive, step-by-step, no-nonsense way. Yes, there are plenty of bartending “cookbooks” out there with recipes galore, but none of them teach you the skills, the moves, the techniques, and the basic information you need to get, perform, and keep work as a pro.
BARTENDING FROM SCRATCH introduces all the necessary terms and products common to the daily bartending routine, along with the tools, and equipment of the trade, what they are used for, and how they are used. Pouring technique is described in detail and practice exercises are provided to help polish your skills.
BARTENDING FROM SCRATCH offers advice from a 30-year working pro with insider tips and pointers scattered throughout the curriculum to paint a down-to-earth portrait of the bartender’s world and the realistic and not-so realistic expectations that go with it.
All the basic recipes are here, along with how they relate to other recipes and drinkmaking practices. Popular brand names are introduced, fruit cutting techniques demonstrated, and the physical workspace behind the bar described in detail. Essential information is separated from unessential information. Terms and routines are explained and demystified. And if this were not enough, BARTENDING FROM SCRATCH is sprinkled with quotations, little known facts, and lots of humor. This book, because of the way it organizes the information and presents the basics to the art of bartending, is a valuable companion for the greenhorn or the pro – for the one looking to learn or the one looking to grow.
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About the Author |
A Michigan native, Barry Lee Marris cut his bartending teeth in San Francisco. In 1994 he purchased the landmark Blue Heron Restaurant & Tavern in western Sonoma County, where he and his wife, Tanja, still reside. His drink of choice? Gin/Tonic, No Lime. |