RESEARCH. CONTACT. INTERNET. GET LEADS. 7 Proven Lead Techniques for the 21st Century. Low Tech. Low/No Cost. Big Rewards.
by Katrina Belcher
30 pages
Research. Contact. Use the Internet. and Get Good Leads! Simple and easy Low/No Cost "How to" Technical techniques are in this book. If you're ready to make money using the Internet - this is the book for you.
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About the Book
7 Proven Lead Techniques for the 21st Century will actually show you how you can get people to call you and ask about your product(s) or services. You learn the best times, days, and techniques, as well as how you can use creative techniques to market your product or service and what those creative techniques are that you’ll want to use. Finally, you’ll learn where to go online and how to get started using the Internet to get leads.
These proven strategies will show you how to attract clients and customers. How to get people to call you, instead of begging people to buy your product or service.
If you take just a handful of my techniques and use them, you’ll earn a good living. If you use more, you’ll earn a great living. It’s simple: the more techniques you use, the more you earn. The level of effort is up to you. Follow these steps for a total marketing transformation.
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About the Author |
Katrina Belcher has been self-employed for 20 years, successfully marketing four businesses. She's won numerous national division and zone sales awards for highest-producer, highest-premium-per-lead, and highest-producing national district office. She now provides services to MMA fighters and event promoters; has an online MMA e-zine; and is the founder of NAFMMAF. |