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The Sign of the Serpent by Jan Visser

The Sign of the Serpent

by Jan Visser

332 pages
Third and final installment of The Revelations Saga.

Paperback $19.95   + $9.37 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.40 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:SciFi Fantasy Horror
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About the Book
The Sign of the Serpent is the sequel to The Revelations of Arran Nak and the third and final installment of The Revelations Saga.

The siege of Persis has finally been broken. Olik and Atrana send Schlemba to the Thundermountains to find the missing crystals, but Schlemba struggles with his new found responsibilities. Even if he manages to reunite the skulls, he may not be able to control the terrible power they contain. Time is running out. The darkness is spreading its tentacles, and a sense of terror settles over the kingdom as the prophecy is about to be fulfilled. Will the world of mankind come to an end?


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About the Author
Jan Visser is a psychology professor who combines teaching with writing and consulting. In 2004, he published his debut novel The Crystal Skulls, the first installment of The Revelations Saga. He continued the trilogy with the Revelations of Arran Nak (2006) and The Sign of the Serpent (2008).



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