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EXTREME Project Manager Makeover! by Pattie Vargas

EXTREME Project Manager Makeover!

by Pattie Vargas

136 pages
A practical guide to project success through creative people management!

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Category: Business:Management
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About the Book
Project Manager's are being called upon to do more than ever before and often, in today's economy, with less! They need an EXTREME Project Manager Makeover!

Of all the moving parts of a project, the one thing that can completely derail progress and guarantee chaos is how well you manage the people side of things! No longer a "nice-to-have", behavioral competencies - those so-called soft-skills - will make the difference between so-so performance and EXTREME Project Management success!

Finally! A practical guide to project success through creative, albeit unorthodox, people management. An easy to follow, easy to digest, methodology that you can put into practice on DAY ONE!


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About the Author
Pattie Vargas Pattie Vargas, founder of The Vargas Group, is uniquely qualified to assist organizations in achieving dramatic improvements in workplace performance. An expert in technical project management, Pattie applies the critical piece missing: effective business relationships. Her specialty in interpersonal skills for technical disciplines results in increased commitment, accountability and results.



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