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A Heart Too Good to Die: A Shocking Story of Sudden Cardiac Arrest by Jeremy Whitehead

A Heart Too Good to Die: A Shocking Story of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

by Jeremy Whitehead

252 pages
A suspenseful, true story of modern day reanimation, highlighting life’s fragility.

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About the Book
“The lessons of this compelling and amazing story apply to every community in the United States.”

- Mickey S. Eisenberg, M.D., Ph.D., author of Life in the Balance

“A poignant, touching glimpse of the inner workings of a family impacted by cardiac arrest. This is a must read for heart patients and their loved ones.”

- Wayne M. Sotile, Ph.D., author of Thriving with Heart Disease

“It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it has everything. The descriptions are so interesting. It is fast paced, the action and details capture you.”

- Mary Newman, President, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation

When sudden cardiac death strikes, you cannot stop it. It takes away nine out of ten victims, and takes them in just minutes. They do not come back. They are gone. But it doesn’t have to be that way. They can survive.

Chances are that you know someone who has “dropped dead”, and it is very likely they were a victim of sudden cardiac arrest (aka sudden cardiac death). It kills more people than lung cancer, breast cancer and AIDS, combined. Nearly half a million victims suddenly die each year, one every minute or so. This silent killer is not often gruesome, but it is terrifying in its unpredictability.

There is no cure, and the only treatment is prevention. Vice Presidents, Olympic athletes and teenagers are all members of this exclusive club. And, unlike heart disease, diet and lifestyle are not the culprits.

In 2002, Jeremy Whitehead came to America, fulfilling a life-long dream. That dream changed, however, when his wife suffered a cardiac arrest within six weeks of their wedding day. After researching the causes and consequences of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Jeremy realized that many others want to understand what it is, why it happens and what to do about it. He interviewed the saviors and witnesses to Carolyn’s collapse-to capture their thoughts and feelings at the time-and found they, too, were profoundly affected by the event. It is for those yet to be touched by this well understood but incurable leading cause of death, that he decided to share their story. It is called A Heart Too Good to Die - A shocking story of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

This suspenseful true story of modern day reanimation shares the shock and grief of life’s fragility. It also describes, in layman’s terms, the medicine of survival and the miracles required. It is an enticing and easily read story of a serious medical emergency, covering the emotions and issues of sudden cardiac arrest as well as providing relevant factual/clinical details. As narrative nonfiction it describes, in layman’s terms, the medicine of survival and the miracles required, in ten chapters plus back matter. Foreword by David. A. Rubin, M.D., Clinical Professor of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.


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About the Author
Jeremy Whitehead Jeremy Whitehead is a freelance writer, skilled in writing about complex subjects and making them simple to understand. His wife suffered a sudden cardiac arrest six weeks after their wedding. He wrote the story of their ordeal, especially for those also touched by this number one killer.



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