Accepting Your Resurrection
by Christine Bates
128 pages
Reclaiming the Word that Restores Eternal Life
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About the Book
Accepting Your Resurrection is an inspirational work that lays claim to the power of resurrection for the layperson by reclaiming “spiritual language.” Opening with an invocation and closing with a benediction, this book offers eight meditations on words that have too often been used to serve fear – repentance, humility, piety, acceptance, compassion, justice, loyalty and perfection.
Each meditation opens with a Gospel story that resurrects the use of these words in the service of Love and goes on to show the reader how they can be meaningful in his/her life story. Accepting Your Resurrection brings clarity and understanding to complex matters.
Just as human beings go through stages of cognitive development, we also grow through stages of spiritual development on our way to maturity. We experience resurrection every time we “die” to one stage of development and resurrect to the next.
People also experience resurrection when moving from one chapter of life to another – from college to work, for example, or from childrearing to empty nest. No matter what, resurrection is always available to us. That doesn’t change. What varies is our readiness to see that and our willingness to believe we are worthy to receive the eternal life that is ours for the taking in every moment.
This book is as gentle as it is powerful. It offers a bridge to the next phase of the spiritual journey for people who are dying to, or outgrowing, their current stage of religious development. It offers rich sustenance – both to people who feel they are just beginning a spiritual journey and to those who have been on the road for a long time.
About the Author |
Christine Bates is a writer, family consultant and the Clinical Coordinator of the Youth Program at Cumberland Heights Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center, where she gets to witness the beginning of new life every day. She lives with her two young adult daughters in Tennessee. |