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The Eye of Revelation: The Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation by J. W. Watt

The Eye of Revelation: The Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation

by J. W. Watt

124 pages
Longevity, health and rejuvenation through five ancient Tibetan exercises.

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Category: Health:Fitness:Senior
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About the Book
Learn Tibetan Secrets For:
* Age Reversal
* Renewed Health
* Greater Sexual Energy
* Hair Regrowth
* Positive Affirmations

Read the Truth About:
* How the Rites Are Really Performed.
* Distortions to Kelderīs Message

Explore the Hidden History of the Tibetan Rites:
* Did the Secret Lamasery Exist?
* Were Peter Kelder and Colonel Bradford Real People?
* Who Really Wrote the Eye of Revelation?
* What was Colonel Bradfordīs True Name?

Solve these and other mysteries within the pages of the 1946 Eye of Revelation.



About the Author
J. W. Watt is an antiquarian bookseller, bookbinder and writer. He is a leading authority on the Five Tibetan Rites and discovered the "lost" 1946 edition of the Eye of Revelation in 2004. Mr. Watt resides in Maryland with his two cats, "Lady" and "Sammy."



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