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Death in Hawaii by Scott Rose

Death in Hawaii

by Scott Rose

224 pages
Take a trip to Hawaii with this sparkling mystery novel.

Paperback $17.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Mystery
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About the Book
This is a mystery novel set in Hawaii.

If we told you too much about it, what kind of a mystery would it be?

Rest assured, though, that there is nothing boring about this book.

You'll be on the edge of your seat while reading it, unless you're the type that prefers sitting back and relaxing.

The protagonist of the story, Doug Randolph, did ask us to tell you that he hopes you'll crack the spine on this printed baby to learn all about him.

He's promised to take you all over the Hawaiian isles, in five-star style.

He's a little miffed at the book's author, Scott Rose, for not having shown him in at least a little more flattering light. Actually, he's waiting, and just itching, for his chance to get back at Scott by making HIM the protagonist of a mystery novel.

But then again, if it weren't for Scott, Doug wouldn't even exist.

Clearly, fiction and truth are equally strange in the alluring tropical world of Death in Hawaii.


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About the Author
As a life-long lover of fine champagne, Scott Rose hopes that you will find the pages of his books bubbling over with reading fun and pleasure.



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