Hair of the Dog
by Julia Hollister
48 pages
Seventy-five San Francisco bartenders share their remedies for hangovers.
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Category: Travel
About the Book
Ever wonder what real San Francisco bartenders do to ease the pain of a "morning after" hangover? Well, a new book, Hair of the Dog, has some unusual and tested remedies that could get the inner party animal back out under the neon stars.
The dog theme is carried throughout the book from Dr. Beagle's advice explaining a hangover to the whimsical illustrations of several breeds imbibing. The back cover features quotes from dogs that have read and recommend the book.
Bar locations, addresses and websites offer places to start your own research. Pieces of San Francisco's bawdy history are packed between the pages too.
About the Author |
Julia Hollister honed her writing skills at the University of Texas-Austin and the Associated Press.She has published numerous magazine articles, edited a California Business Journal, covered the cops and the courts for a Sierra Foothill daily and online for AOL. She lives and writes in San Francisco. |