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The Real Deal on Telecommuting and How You Can Make Money at Home by Rosalind Mays

The Real Deal on Telecommuting and How You Can Make Money at Home

by Rosalind Mays

72 pages
Learn how to find legitimate telecommuting (work at home) jobs and avoid the great ocean of work-at-home scams. Written by a work-at-home mom!

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Category: Business:Small Business And Entrepreneurs
About the Book
My name is Rosalind Mays and this report -- this resource -- took over 685 hours to build. When I began my search for telecommuting jobs, I found scam after scam and a great amount of disappointment. In the middle of all that disappointment, I finally uncovered the telecommuting resources and secrets that were helpful to me.

I promise you, this report does not provide lists of telecommuting jobs; instead it provides the methods you will use to find these jobs. This report does not list companies looking for telecommuters, because companies are looking for "employees" NOT telecommuters. What I do give you are methods and direction so it does not take 600 hours of searching to become a bona fide telecommuter. This report uncovers . . .

The Real Deal on Telecommuting and How You Can Make Money at Home!

I could find an "outside" job making $17-20 an hour because not so long ago I had a job with such a salary. That is until both my childcare arrangements shut down in the same month.

My three-year-old daughter attended a "progressive pre-school" with an excellent curriculum, with tuition of $350 a month. My sister cared for my infant son and charged a mere $300 a month. I was fortunate; I had a good paying job and quality childcare that was considered "cheap" for the San Francisco Bay Area. Even though my childcare costs were considered "low," if I added this to all the other expenses of working outside the home," my real take home salary was a mere $700 a month. In California, $700 takes care of groceries and small bills like cable or water.

Then disaster struck, I had no childcare and both the facilities closed in a matter of two months. To make matters worse, I found out that I was eight weeks pregnant. What was I to do?

After computing all the costs from my "outside" job, my husband and I realized that my "income" would dwindle down to almost nothing. So, we decided that I'd stay home, take care of the kids and maybe find at-home employment to supplement my husbands' income. All I had to do was submit my resume to a few key places and in a couple of weeks the checks would flow like water.

Yeah, right!

Instead, it took four months of searching before I made even a small income. I found this lack of work-at-home information unacceptable. And that is how this report was born. Because, you see, throughout those four months of searching I found . . .

The Great Ocean of Scams

I didn't find employment; instead I found scams, scams upon scams and even more scams. There was absolutely "no" information on "who" was hiring or how to find out who was hiring . . . not in the virtual world, not in the "real" world . . . not anywhere.

The good news (if you can call it that) is I didn't lose any money on the scams because I didn't have any money to purchase the directory of home-employment companies for $69 or the at-home program for $129. That kind of money bought a week's worth of groceries for my family. I was not sacrificing the food from my babies' mouths. So I kept searching, convinced that there must be some information on this topic for free or a small fee (say $5 to $10). But no matter where I looked -- nothing. The bill collectors were calling everyday now. We no longer had cable service and the electric company was threatening "darkness" within a few days.

Truly frustrated, I decided to do something about this problem. So, I got a binder, organized my search plan, turned on my computer and began my relentless investigation.

Before I give you the details of my research, let me tell you the results of my work. After four months -- that's 120 days -- of research, I began making a steady income of $500 a month working online and at-home. I could have made more, if I had just known what I know now about telecommuting and working at home.

What I learned is this:

1. If an employer is offering you a job, they will not ask for money! Instead, the employer will review your qualifications and offer a "trial run." If the employer is satisfied with your work, you will continue to have a job. If they are not satisfied, you will be dismissed. In the real world of employment, your time will be spent, not your money!

2. Job descriptions of legitimate employment have "a lot" of information and even more requirements, because the employer wants the "right" applicants.

3. Employers will ask for the usual things: a resume, samples of previous work, interviews, etc.

My Personal Tip of the Day: If you do not encounter one or all of these events AND someone asks for money . . . RUN!

Now that you know the "three signs" of legitimate employment, it's time . . .

To Summarize My Research

The underlying problem with telecommuting (working from home) is the job hunter looking for "at-home work" and the employers of "remote employees" have two definitions of


Those searching for telecommuting work are looking for employers who will allow them to work from home 100% of the time with the same pay and possibly the same benefits as working an "outside job."

On the other hand, the employer defines telecommuting as a person that has been employed with the company for some time, proved themselves reliable and able to work with little supervision, and will work one to two days a week at home on special projects.

See the problem in this situation?

Don't despair. There are opportunities out there. I found them. In this report, whenever I can, I will include addresses and phone numbers as additional resources for those who don't have access to a computer "right now."


Ocean of Scams

-- How to Recognize Work-at-Home Scams

-- Job Descriptions of Legitimate Employment

-- What Employers Usually Ask For

-- An Employer Will Not Ask You for Money

-- When Sending Money is Okay

-- Working for Foreign Employers

What I've learned about Telecommuting:

-- Why are so Many Employers Against Telecommuting?

-- What to Look for in a Telecommuting Job?

-- What are the Skills You Need to Find a Good Telecommuting Job?

-- How to Get Those Skills You Need - for Little or No Cost.

Jobs needing no computers

Five ways to work at home:

-- Convince your boss into telecommuting

-- Four ways to find a telecommuting job

-- Five ways to become a Freelancer or Independent Contractor

-- Extra income while you search

-- Become the self-employed

My Long List of Resources!



About the Author
Rosalind Mays, mother of three children, searched 685 hours (that's four months) before finding a legitimate telecommuting job. She hopes her advice and e-book -- which compiles all the information she found while searching for her current job -- will shorten the reader's time in finding real work-at-home opportunities.



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