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by Mark R. Luke

396 pages

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology:Afterlife
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About the Book
If you are looking for a mythological explanation as to the soul’s existence beyond the body, you will not find it here. THE ULTIMATE INSIGHT publication is a “real non-fictional” scientific interpretation of how the soul chronologically evolved through time from subhuman to human life, and over a period of 650 million years of neurological evolution. A snapshot of 120 illustration and 261 pages of text showing the transitions of "what" and "who" created your soul, "when" it was created, "where" it was created, "how" it was created and most importantly, "why" it was created.

All religious leaders, scientists and philosophers since recorded human history have tried to solve this problem, a problem and dilemma that continues to be the subject of debate in every country in the world. It is this debate that inspired the creation of books like Intelligent Design, books created by people who cannot and do not want to accept the truth of where we come from and where we are going!

THE ULTIMATE INSIGHT will open your eyes, if you thoroughly read it, to the true nature of our conscious soul beyond our body. It is this state of mind that you are genetically programmed to subconsciously search for the understanding of. It is the understanding of this knowledge that all atheist and theist alike believe exists in one form or another subconsciously if not consciously!

THE ULTIMATE INSIGHT will give you an understanding of the true nature of God’s existence. Remember, this is not a religious book, but instead a real scientific evaluation of the evolutionary process of the soul’s conscious out-of-body experience from subhuman to human life. It is a process that once personally understood, will give you a greater appreciation and understanding of your spiritual and, or religious beliefs.

THE ULTIMATE INSIGHT is the key and truly the only way you will understand the nature of universal awareness. It will make you aware of how true psychics do what they do within universal awareness, and you will see the real dimension of the positive spirit world.

This author Mark R. Luke believes he is the only person in the world who has figured out the problem of understanding the existence of the soul beyond the body. Doubt it? Read the book if you dare. I challenge you to read the book and tell me if I’m wrong. If you can prove to me that I am wrong, I will send you a free copy of my new up and coming movie EVOLUTION’S ULTIMATE PSYCHIC. In fact, I will go one step further! I will give you a part in the movie if you’re the first person to prove to me that I am wrong as to how the soul evolved through time.

I can do this! I am the writer, executive producer and one of the stars of the show!



About the Author
Mark R. Luke Mark R. Luke, first time author, has spent the last thirty-five years researching information that would lead to the most profound psychological adventure in reading you will ever experience. He’s also recently developed a screenplay: EVOLUTION’S ULTIMATE PSYCHIC designed to entertain as well as promote THE ULTIMATE INSIGHT publication.



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