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Set Apart by Debra Lufburrow

Set Apart

by Debra Lufburrow

212 pages
In the late 1800s, this is the true story of the fifty women and children who participated a religious commune was in operation in Central Texas.

Paperback $16.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: History
About the Book
While her mother lies ill in her bedroom suite at the Central Hotel, Emily begins packing for their upcoming move to Washington, D.C. The hatbox she discovers is filled with photographs and newspaper clippings that raise questions in her mind about her family and about the unique band of women with whom she's spent all of her nineteen years.

*What did her grandmother teach the ladies in their prayer meeting that would convince the women to leave their husbands?

*How did these women of privilege manage to support themselves and their young children?

*At what point did the women abandon their foundation of faith to pursue more worldly goals?

*Why, after scandalous public trials for divorce, insanity and charges of heresy, would the town decide to turn around and support the business of the Central Hotel?

Using personal correspondence between the women, diaries and journals, magazine and newspaper accounts, court records, photographs and other sources, Ms. Lufburrow has woven an engaging tale to tell the true story of the Sanctified Sisters of Belton. The scandal that rocked the tiny Central Texas town in the late 1800s is an intriguing story and insightful example of how the choices made by individuals can impact the world in which they live.



About the Author
Debra Lufburrow lives with her wonderful husband, Howard, in Belton, Texas, the setting for her book, Set Apart.



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