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Forgiveness - The Divine Connection by Cindy Goldenberg

Forgiveness - The Divine Connection

by Cindy Goldenberg

164 pages
Fascinating Experiences, Angelic Encounters, Remarkable Intuition, Practical Life-Changing Tools

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About the Book
A remarkable story of conviction and drive, Forgiveness - The Divine Connection shows us that we are definitely not alone. With profound messages from the angelic realm, including spirit guides and loved ones, Cindy Goldenberg awakens us to our innate divine connection. Through pain, anger, and perseverance, Cindy not only survives all obstacles, she cures her son of vaccine induced developmental delays, gains national recognition, and is led down a different path of self-discovery. Her angelic encounter provides a new revelation that eventually leads to an entirely new career--about faith, intuition and forgiveness. Filled with personal stories and observations, Cindy’s book recounts her experiences in an amusing and entertaining way.

Psychically gifted, Cindy reveals what she clairvoyantly hears and sees. Messages from angels, spirit guides, and her own father right after his death, captivate and inspire with descriptions of heaven and the remarkable love that awaits us all. Cindy also tells about her encounter with dark entities and earthbound spirits after asking about a young boy’s death.

Cindy insists that everyone has the same intuitive abilities regardless of faith, background or religion. She says that when we recognize and release our old negative habits and thoughts, we create an expansive energy that immediately connects to our divine team. She explains that when we forgive, we instantly heal, magnetize and attract our heart’s desire — because we are essentially commanding worth and respect for our self.

Success, love and abundance are merely a mindset away. Through forgiveness, all things are not only possible, but inevitable. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning anyone’s behavior or choices. It means that you are now willing to recognize your worth, greatness, and God-given potential by releasing all painful memories, experiences, and their effects. By doing this, you automatically make room to receive your divine inherent gifts!

Forgiveness - The Divine Connection makes forgiveness a practical, approachable, and easy concept to understand. Inspired by her own angelic team, Cindy shows us how forgiveness can be a very beneficial attitude. Rather than preach, project, shame or enforce, her witty and valuable suggestions, along with her clairvoyant point of view, make this perspective an easy one to understand.

The Forgiveness Principles help us realize that: We have the power to change life’s experiences and outcomes, we are capable of creating miracles, we deserve self-worth, value and respect, and we don’t have to change or become anything other that what we already are!

Written with profound channeled messages and quotes from spiritual authors, this down to earth, reverent and inspiring book guarantees to be an enjoyable and fascinating read!



About the Author
Cindy Goldenberg Cindy Goldenberg, clairvoyant author and speaker, lectures throughout Southern California on various metaphysical principles including: the power of positive thought, the law of attraction, spiritual empowerment, and manifesting new outcomes and possibilities. She also teaches people ways to connect with their Higher Source through self acceptance, worth and forgiveness.



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