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Messages from Babylon by Michael Whitehead

Messages from Babylon

by Michael Whitehead

260 pages
An Army Colonel’s memoir of the Iraq war’s first year.

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About the Book
In April 2003 Colonel Michael Whitehead, an Army Reservist, flew into Iraq and began a ten month eyewitness view of the opening year of the war. Over the course of his deployment, he visited all the major cities from Basra to Baghdad and lived in a palace overlooking the historic ruins of Babylon. He chronicled his experiences and e mailed them home to family and friends, providing accounts that were so insightful and revealing that ultimately his Messages from Babylon were forwarded to hundreds of interested readers across the country.

Messages from Babylon is a diary of life in a combat zone, and provides an insider’s story of Colonel Whitehead’s experiences with the Marines, the Coalition Provisional Authority and the twenty eight nation Multinational Division that replaced the Marines at Camp Babylon. His descriptions of the long, grueling summer, a trip to Warsaw, Poland, and a visit to the Iraq-Iranian border are entertaining and enlightening, providing a unique perspective that heretofore has not been provided by media accounts of the war.


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About the Author
Michael Whitehead Michael Whitehead lives in northern Virginia with his wife of 38 years and works as an emergency manager at the National Headquarters of the American Red Cross. He retired from the Army Reserve in July 2005 after 30 years of service. Michael also published a novel of his time in Iraq entitled "The Lion of Babylon".



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