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by Sam Lutton

288 pages
An older gentleman claiming to be an American MIA resurfaces.

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Category: Fiction:Historical
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About the Book
The Cold War is over and CIA officer Cody Ballantine, exiled to the newly opened consulate in the Russian Far East, receives an unexpected visitor. In a conference room overlooking Golden Horn Bay, Andrei Danilov, a distinguished looking older gentleman, claims to be Captain Andrew Thompson, an American aviator, perhaps the lone survivor of a reconnaissance aircraft shot down by Soviet MiGs in 1954.

A cautiously skeptical Ballantine sends Danilov's photograph, Air Force serial number, and fingerprints to CIA headquarters. But no official records--other than the shootdown near Cape Gamov--exist to verify Danilov's claim. With little documentation, Ballantine must resolve troublesome questions: How could an American MIA survive and prosper in Siberia for 38 years? On the other hand, might Danilov be an ex-MVD officer, perhaps one who interrogated the real Captain Thompson? Is this a scheme by a crafty opportunist to ressurect a man long presumed dead and thus lay claim to back pay, military retirement and U.S. citizenship?

The Gamov Incident describes Ballantine's effort to unravel a decades-old mystery while coping with emotional conflict arising from a troubled past.


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    There are two kinds of secrets: those we keep for another, and those we keep for ourselves.


About the Author
Sam Lutton Samuel J. Lutton, a native of Western Pennsylvania, spent seven years in the U.S. Air Force. His business career included systems analysis, management consulting and senior executive responsibilities. For a time in between, he lectured at Washington University in St. Louis.



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