Is There a Hole in the Boat? Tales of Travel in Panama without a Car
by Darrin DuFord
196 pages
Narratives about improvised transportation, machetes, and homemade brew in Panama.
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About the Book
Bring your appetite. Bring gifts for the king of the Naso tribe.
Join Darrin DuFord as he hikes, bribes, and barters his way across Panama, a perennially overlooked filament of the tropics where DuFord encounters a startling richness of cultures between the nation’s two coastlines. Sitting down with everyone from scientists to town barflies, DuFord samples such local delicacies as fermented corn homebrew and slow-barbecued jungle rodent while, at every turn, taking the more vernacular--and much more enriching--options of transportation.
Whether jostling in the back of a pickup truck serving as the local bus or uncovering how the country is tackling its ecological quandaries, DuFord opens a window into the little-known day to day struggles and pleasures of the Panamanian people. Is There a Hole in the Boat? reveals a Panama that is not simply a place to watch bloated cruise ships edge along the walls of the Canal. It’s a land where the machete can slash through just about anything--except the nation’s spirit.
This book won the Silver Award in the Travel Book Category of the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition Awards for Work Published in 2006-2007.
DuFord introduces us to the people of Panama, and he does it hilariously and most perceptively.
- Eric Jackson of The Panama News
...a true, up close and personal picture of another world -- one full of vivacious human spirit, mouth-watering odors and vibrant color.
- Sue Vogan,
Whether or not you are planning a trip to Panama, Is There a Hole in the Boat? is a worthwhile read. Darrin DuFord brings a country and its people to life, and in the process tells some very good stories.
- Alex McGilvery, Armchair Interviews
About the Author |
After graduating from Columbia University, Darrin DuFord began working as a software developer when he co-founded the New York City band Motor Betty, performing on the Jenny Jones Show and across venues on both American coasts. He has since channeled his wanderlust into travel articles for such publications as Transitions Abroad and Iguana. He lives in Queens, New York. |