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Your Bookkeeping Stinks! Why It's Killing Your Business & Wrecking Your Plans for Retirement by Scott Gregory

Your Bookkeeping Stinks! Why It's Killing Your Business & Wrecking Your Plans for Retirement

by Scott Gregory

60 pages
Avoid these costly bookkeeping mistakes in your business!

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Category: Business
About the Book
Does Your Bookkeeping Stink?

Take this quick 3-question quiz:

1) Are you able to tell how much your business made and how much it spent with just the click of a mouse?
2) Do you know which customers owe you, how much they owe and how long they have owed you?
3) Can you determine what your business owns and what it owes without digging through a mountain of paperwork?

If you answered “no” to ANY of these questions, your bookkeeping is – shall I say, “stinky”. The reason is simple – this is critical information that your business needs to know on a regular basis. Without it, you have no idea what the score is and won’t know if you are winning or losing in your game of business.

You Are Not Alone

Having “stinky books” is a common problem in small business today. In fact, according to a survey by the Small Business Administration, nearly 55% of businesses had problems relating to their finances or financial issues. No experience in bookkeeping or lack of experience and understanding of bookkeeping was cited as one of the leading reasons these problems occurred.

Some other reasons cited: poor credit granting practices, inadequate borrowing plans, no knowledge of costs or pricing, and a lack of planning. These problems may very well be dragging down the profits of your business right now. The common theme in all of these instances is the inability to quickly and correctly answer this question – “what is the financial picture of my business today?”

Think About This

The introduction of do-it-yourself bookkeeping software such as QuickBooks and Peachtree has truly been a wonderful addition to the small business toolkit. Unfortunately, many business owners have come to the wrong conclusion that once they purchase and install this software, they will quickly and easily become proficient in keeping the books for their business. Big mistake!

Since the budgets of many small businesses are squeezed, what better way to reduce expenses than by shaving your bookkeeping costs? This is a classic case of being pennywise and very pound foolish. As a business owner, it’s imperative to have a clear picture of your business finances to help you make effective decisions regarding pricing, costs, borrowing needs, and many others.

Does This Describe You?

Do you find yourself scrambling to pull all of your business records together on or about April 10th to give to your tax accountant? Then you wait a couple of months, get some reports back, sign off and mail an inch of paperwork, and put everything away again until next year.

Who tells you how the business is doing at times other than tax time? Where do you get the critical insight of profit margins, cash flow and sales analyses that you need to stay one step ahead of your competition?

Act Now!

The expert advice in this book can literally save your business thousands of dollars and help you avoid the painful experiences of others. Get your copy now!


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About the Author
Mr. Gregory specializes in helping businesses improve their bottom lines through the efficient use of QuickBooks financial software, streamlining accounting systems and effective technology implementation.

Mr. Gregory brings over twenty year of business knowledge to his clients. He is a Certified QuickBooks Advisor, CPA and QuickBooks instructor.



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