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Midlife Meditation by Susan Bilheimer

Midlife Meditation

by Susan Bilheimer

62 pages
Simple meditation technique for women 35+

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Category: Self Help:Stress
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About the Book
If you're a woman over 35 ... this book could change your life!

Chances are, if you're over 35, you've experienced one or more symptoms caused by the physical, mental, and emotional changes that occur as you move through midlife. But did you know that these symptoms can affect you for up to fifteen years before you actually reach menopause?

Symptoms you may experience include: Palpitations, weight gain, hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, migraines, vaginal infections, irritable bowel, depression/anxiety, thinning hair, forgetfulness, leg cramps, loss of libido, and many more!

While you may not be able to eliminate your symptoms, there IS help for managing and adjusting to the changes you are experiencing -- in the form of a simple technique called Midlife Meditation. Women going through this transitional period can easily incorporate Midlife Meditation into their busy lives. Practicing this technique can enhance your health, aid you in dealing with your symptoms and help you find joy on your journey to, and through, menopause.



About the Author
Susan Bilheimer recognized the essential need for a simple method to give women a way to balance their emotional and spiritual lives during the turbulent transition of Perimenopause. It is her hope that women will find a haven from the storm in the Midlife Meditation technique.



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