How does one
tell the story of the appearance of a completely new species of
human? By telling it in such a way the process revealed is exposed
as a carefully planned sequence of events. Have you ever wondered
why life seems so ruthless? Why do prayers go unanswered? Why are
grievous injustices and heinous acts of cruelty allowed to take
place? Our theologians tell us it is because the Devil is allowed
to run rough-shod over Creation. But then, who made the Devil? Does
any part of what we call reality make any sense at all? When and
where will all of this senseless brutality come to an end?
Emile and Tofla had been created Crafters at the beginning when
two undulating Universes collidedtheir rippling boundaries tearing
into the colossal energy of the material that became the origin
of our plane of existence. God then gave Emile and Tofla authority
over all life and over all of the order of things commanding them
to be faithful stewards of His handiwork. They were to husband His
Creation. They were to manage the process that God had set in motionthe
process that produces life. For aeons they carefully managed that
primeval garden.
The Creature Crafters is a story of how a number of
seemingly insignificant events in mankinds rich and colorful history
took place along the space-time continuum. At first, they appeared
to be completely unrelateddisconnected from each other by time.
But, as we soon discover, no event in the evolution of mankind could
have ever been considered independent of the others. All of them
moved inexorably toward the fulfillment of a carefully planned and
tediously managed end. And, much to our surprise, the end eventually
did justify the means as each article of our collective reality
collided in a perfect synchronicity of evolutionary change. In the
end we learn that the ethical context of our existence is as irrelevant
as the moral aspect of our human condition. What is the point of
correcting the sins of our past when our future is immortality?
In that distant and permanent point of view, our existence will
be empowered with the ability to manipulate time and set off on
fantastic adventures in every dimension the Universe has to offer.
We learn that we were meant to see God in His fundamental expressionto
hear his voice and feel His great affection for us. We find ourselves
understanding that the future is not for our descendents; it is
for us for we are those descendents. Indestructible life forces
created at the beginning of time, our kind was intended to be the
companions of our Maker and bask in the comfort of His enduring
love for us for all of eternity. And, all of this wonder and adventure
would soon manifest itself as the meaning of life if the Crafters
can just pull off the incredibly complex coordination of their final
phase of development.