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Building Great Kids-No Assembly Required! by Randy Cunningham

Building Great Kids-No Assembly Required!

by Randy Cunningham

279 pages
Common-sense communication skills to build parent-child relationships.

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About the Book

Anyone can achieve greatness as a parent. All the skills, talents, abilities, and techniques necessary to raise a wonderful child are in the hands of adults everywhere.

Look at your own hands. Yep, right now. Sure, at this very moment. Just make sure to set down your cold drink first. Otherwise, things could get messy.

See, your hands possess the most awesome power ever unleashed, that is, to raise a child. There is no greater responsibility on this planet than to be accountable for a small human being.

The power you possess is what Building Great Kids - No Assembly Required! is all about. In short, this book will provide you with lots of common-sense, easy-to-learn, and immediately useable suggestions, tips, and techniques that you can utilize right now.

OK, so you might be thinking, "But I don't have time to read an entire parenting book from cover to cover!" That's understandable. Your world stops for nothing. Miss a beat, and life can quickly pass you by. That's why this book is designed with busy people and hurried lifestyles in mind. So, whether you just found 5 solitary minutes while waiting in the afternoon pickup line at school, or you're catching a breather while your "Commando Kid" is soaking off the day's dirt, leaves, and other unimaginable items in the tub, that's plenty of time to pick up a tip or two.

Building Great Kids - No Assembly Required! is composed of small passages, longer paragraphs, and short stories that enable you to learn a lot in a small amount of time. Open to any page, and you will find ideas that can used immediately, suggestions you can implement right away to help you build a child with character, and tips that will cause you to realize that the power of parenting is in your hands.

So, what's the purpose of this book?

It's important for parents to realize the many common-sense, easily-useable skills they already possess, but may have not used in some time. Read the book. Refresh your memory. You can "build" a great kid in no time at all!



About the Author
A Texas resident, Randy has 20 years of experience as a counselor and educator in grades Pre-K through 8th grade. A successful public speaker and writer, he has been married for 19 years, and has one daughter. He loves following the Houston Astros, drumming, and collecting music CDs.



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