Signature Energy Work: Accessing, Evaluating and Transforming the Personal Energy Field
by Dr. Cora B. Llera
220 pages
Five steps to create a healing energy-work treatment.
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About the Book
This book has
a two-fold purpose: to change the paradigm for health and healing
in our modern society by presenting a new paradigm, and to provide
a pathway to follow in exploring this new paradigm. The book is
directed to professional health-care providers as well as to any
individual who finds himself on a self-healing journey.
The old paradigm, represented by our mainstream Western medical
system, views the human body as a closed mechanical system where
illness and problems are caused by something separate from the human
mechanism, and which affects the body from the outside "world."
Cures for the problem are sought from outside the human system,
and treatment is performed "on," or administered "to" the patient,
who is a passive recipient of medical care. This is an external
path toward healing, in that both the cause of the problem and the
tools for the cure come from "out there."
The new paradigm also includes an internal path, based on the view
that the human being is part of an open system that includes the
mind: a conscious, intelligent field of energy that extends beyond
the realm of material reality, and is not measurable by standards
of time, mass, and space. Illness and problems can originate at
any level of the body-mind, and treatments are actively created
by the patient from within the body-mind, using the tools of consciousness
and choice.
Signature Energy Work is the result of the author's
own exploration of the new paradigm. It combines the external path
with the internal, creating an integrated pathway wherein the two
parts complement and amplify each other. Signature Energy Work employs
muscle-testin (a simple yes-no questioning mechanism), in combination
with the SEWLINE (a framework of exploratory questions), to access
the intelligence of the body-mind. The information gleaned is then
integrated with energy-work techniques to create a healing treatment.
This book discusses each of these three tools - muscle testing,
the SEWLINE, and energy-work techniques - in detail, as they are
the basic components of Signature Energy Work. The book is meant
to be a teaching tool for the professional healer as well as the
individual lay person to learn Signature Energy Work: to examine
it understand it, and master it. However, just as Signature Energy
Work itself is the integration of the author's own healing experiences
and philosophies, the reader is encouraged to use the book as a
starting point for the examination of his own healing background,
beliefs, and interests, and then create his own healing pathway.
About the Author |
Dr. Cora B. Llera is a chiropractic physician in private practice since 1985, in both California and Florida. Her work is the product of over 20 years of clinical experience, imposed on a background of over 40 years of spiritual and philosophical study. |