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Boycott French! The Non-French American English Dictionary by Deborah Midkiff

Boycott French! The Non-French American English Dictionary

by Deborah Midkiff

109 pages
A tongue-in-cheek look at a non-French dictionary.

Hardcover $26.95   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Entertainment:Humor
About the Book

This book, Boycott French, is in a dictionary format and is intended to be a humorous answer to the French in their attitudes towards Americans. This non-French English dictionary has replaced French based words with alternatives from other sources. It was created for entertainment only and not intended to be taken seriously. The author felt it was necessary to show the French just how silly they are in banning certain American created words from their usage.



About the Author
Deborah Midkiff Deborah Midkiff is an unconventional woman being the first woman locomotive mechanic. Grandmother and known for her eccentricities, she hardly got a raised eyebrow as she came roaring down the street on her new "hog". Upon entering into the realm of author and announcing her first book, she eagerly awaits...



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