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A Marriage of Destiny by Martin and Robyn Green

A Marriage of Destiny

by Martin and Robyn Green

86 pages
Hearing God prophetically as to who your true mate is.

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Category: Self Help:Relationships
About the Book

Are you believing God for your true mate (do you think the one you have now isn't it)? God can communicate and confirm who your spiritual mate is. The Greens tell an amazing and funny story of their union, teaching about hearing God, prophetic direction, divorce and remarriage in the process.


Are you afraid that you only have one shot at marriage, at happiness? Are you fearful that you have blown the chance to have true passion and be united your spiritual soul mate before you die? Have you been taught that God HATES divorce and never condones it?

This book tells a supernatural story. It is a TRUE story. It is a prophetic story of God communicating through dreams, visions, scripture and the "still small voice", along with engineering circumstances over a period of years to confirm to the Greens who their true spiritual soul mate was. They both had previous marriages of their own choosing. When the Word says, "What GOD has joined together, let no man put assunder," does that apply when man or lust puts the relationship together, and not God?

This book will set you free - because the truth sets you free. Allow God to restore hope in you as you laugh along with the Greens, and just go "wow" in amazement as they tell how God got His will through to them regarding their marriage of destiny.

A Marriage of Destiny teaches as it tells the story. It deals with divorce and remarriage, along with teaching on how to get it right the first time, and how to pray for a spouse.

HIS choice is not always OUR choice, but it is always the BEST choice.

GOD MAY BE PREPARING YOU FOR A MARRIAGE OF DESTINY. Want to find out? Let Him speak to you as you read.



About the Author
Martin and Robyn Green live in Wisconsin and head up MannaFest Dimensions, a ministry that teaches prophetic psalmistry, demonstrates moving in healing and miracles through music, and mentors budding prophetic people. Robyn also authored The Open Door, a book on prophetic psalmistry. The Greens produce individual healing/prophecy/scripture CD's.



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