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Leading Total Quality: Management's Role in Aligning Leadership & Total Quality Practice by Orlando E. Blake, PhD CPT

Leading Total Quality: Management's Role in Aligning Leadership & Total Quality Practice

by Orlando E. Blake, PhD CPT

108 pages
Management at all levels play a key role in Total Quality & Continuous Improvement.

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Category: Business:Management
About the Book

This book is designed for anyone interested in improving quality at all levels of any organization. Quality should not be just a buzz word in your organization; it is your job.

Even though quality may not be poor in your organization, you don't have to be sick to be better. Implementing quality improvement methods does not have to be too technical or time consuming.

Leading Total Quality is about the value of aligning good leadership practices with the commitment and philosophy of total quality, continuous improvement, and the inherent value of people.


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About the Author
Orlando E. Blake, PhD CPT Orlando Blake, PhD works with organizations to align total quality & continuous improvement intiatives with leadership practices. For more than 20 years he has helped as full array of clients increase their business and personal capabilities.



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