Stop Monkeying Around
by D. Feketa
194 pages
Stop Monkeying Around contains simple insights, reflections and practical exercises to provide the reader with the knowledge to realize the discovery of personal power, and that when applied, the result is that anything is possible.
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About the Book
When you reflect on the experiences you’ve had in life you can observe so many things. The good, the joy, the beauty, the love, the bad, the sadness, the ugliness, and the harm. These experiences are your gifts of wisdom, insight and tangible resources for you to compare and make contrasts.
Filtering through the experiences, you get to choose and focus on the thoughts and the emotions that you want. From here you can move forward to create your greatest joy, growing into the best years of your life, still to come.
It doesn’t matter at what age you realize you are in control of your thoughts, choosing to create an amazing new day, and creating your life to unfold as you want it to be. What matters is that you realize you get to choose, and you start to create and experience a life that is what you want.
Stop Monkeying Around provides simple and easy to understand insights, reflection and practical exercises to provide the reader with the knowledge to realize the possibility for growth in their lives.
Stop Monkeying Around encourages readers to participate in a simple game that fosters excitement and the motivation to apply knowledge to create the growth that leads to the accomplishment of life goals and dreams.
Stop Monkeying Arounds supports the realization of the discovery of personal power that when applied, the result is that anything is possible.
Wow! I've never read a book so quickly that contained so much helpful information. It was very easy to read with the larger font size and I easily flipped through to the end. The content was simple and easy to understand, familiar, and I'm excited to apply the practical knowledge and create the steps to make real changes in my life.
- Darlene Parrish
About the Author |
Deborah Feketa has over 32 years of ongoing experience in the education field. Her journey began with her master’s degree in education with concentrations in coaching and working with individuals with exceptionalities in 1993. Afterwards, she obtained certifications in mediation, life coaching, paralegal and entrepreneurship. |