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Rigged Money: The Fateful Lure of Fiat Money - 2nd Edition by Detlef Gloge PhD

Rigged Money: The Fateful Lure of Fiat Money - 2nd Edition

by Detlef Gloge PhD

106 pages
This book explains how the banking cartel and the Reserve seize the wealth of society's most vulnerable members to create fiat money. Such unimpeded bank credit offers the government a convenient source of unlimited borrowing and spending.

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Category: Politics:Economic Policy
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About the Book
Wars and the need to fund them were the historic reason for banks to create excessive amounts of fiat money. This book explains how banks seized the wealth of society's most vulnerable members to create fiat money. During peacetimes, banks primarily lent to the government depriving the private sector of capital and resources. The unimpeded bank credit offered the government a convenient source for unlimited borrowing and spending. US banks also learned to offer fiat dollars to foreigners seizing the wealth of foreign dollar users. The peremptory confiscation of foreign dollar holdings by the US is poisoning the trust in the dollar and reestablishing gold as a reserve currency.


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About the Author
Detlef Gloge is the author of six dozen articles and patents on internet transmission. Managing network projects, he got involved in economic aspects of infrastructure funding and resource appropriation. He is an alumnus of Bell Laboratories and a Fellow of US engineering and scientific societies.



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